Monday, December 21, 2009
Second week and results of COP-15
It was unforgettable experience for everybody who took part there, who was inside or outside the Bella Center.
It's hard to judge the results of COP-15. Copenhagen Accord of course is not the best result and was the worst prediction of COP-15 but it's better than nothing. World leaders came to the Bella Center during the last two days and gave their speaches. But 2 days could not be enough as 2 weeks for getting a good solution and result.
I agree with the words of Russian President Medvedev that we are going to have long and deep work. And it's only our first step.
The full text of Copenhagen Accord you could find on the website.
In the end I would like to share with you the youth voice at the Plenary sessions at COP-15:
Saturday, December 12, 2009
more informations here:
Anna: ClimateJusticeFast is a moral and principal action to give politics a major wake up call!
These two brave girls are on hunger strike. Today is the 37th day of Global Day of Climate Action in Copenhagen!
more details: ClimateJusticeFast .
Video for COP-15: ~SURVIVAL IS NOT NEGOTIABLE~ written by Emma Lilliestam
Friday, December 11, 2009
some actions during COP - 15
first photo report from COP 15
Plenary session salle:
at COP 15_day 5
Signs and indicators are everywhere in the city! You could not be lost! Everybody is ready to help you!
There is a feeling that we are big big family who is ready for big deal and changes.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
travel and arrival to COP15_days 2,3,4
I am a bit tired. I took a train from Brussels to Copenhagen. It took me 15 hours to get here. But it was so excited! I met different people in the train and most of them, of course, are attending COP15.
I am happy that I am here. I have already met my friends, met new people and expected to get more and more new faces on my facebook friends page ;)
I am going to have photos from the Bella center and get news for you!
Monday, December 7, 2009
packing for COP15_day 1
Today I sorted all my things together in my to-do-list for my trip to Copenhagen. I am going to be a part of fantastic event COP15 - The UN Climate Change Negotiations in Copenhagen (the 7th of December - 18th of December 2009).
I am accreditated by as a youth climate change observer. I prepared my plan of events which I am going to attend. The huge amount of different meetings concerning to climate change are going to be during these 2 weeks.
Today is the opening of COP 15. Diplomats from 192 nations are attending it. Denmark's prime minister said 110 heads of state and government will attend the final days of the two-week conference and President Barack Obama is among them.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Youth Health Initiave: Blog for your health!
Youth Health Initiave: Blog for your health!
The European Youth Forum is working closely with the European Commission again on the Youth Health Initiative. Since the success of this summer’s health conference that brought together 150 young delegates in Brussels, the initiative will now be kept alive by means of a blog. The latter, which is moderated daily by the European Youth Forum will be the tool for bringing young people together from all over Europe to talk about their health.
Known as ‘Be healthy, be yourself’, the youth health initiative blog raises important public health issues in an attractive way. From sociology to simple tips on hygiene, the portal is an interactive way for young people to have their say on topical or forgotten health issues. As we all know, there is a huge social gap between people within member states, the EU and the whole world so the blog is a way to remind people of these shocking realities. Youth is a priority for the European Commission and they do wish to involve us more in EU health policies so by counting on the European Youth Forum to update this blog, they are taking a postive step forward. By doing so, the EU hopes to strengthen youth partnership in the decision making process, involve other sectors across EU policy areas and at national level on the implementation of prevention programs targeted at young people and support Member States activities on the health of young people.
Young people juggle studies, sport, part-time jobs, internships, relationships and socialising all at the same time. Due to low salaries or precarious job situations, it is often difficult to strike a healthy balance. For many, there is no time or money to invest in preparing a decent dinner. And for others, the financial crisis, education, social background play a huge role.
So, the blog is an attempt to cater for all. It is not a portal that aims to lecture on giving up smoking, the dangers of drinking or the amount of fat in take-away chips, but rather a meeting point to gather facts, learn about doing things in moderation and above all, learn to love our bodies. So, topics like lifestyle, physical acitivity and mental health will be explored through the blog as well as obesity, sexual health and chronic disease.
For the moment, the blog is made up of simple text and photos but over the next few months it will be getting a makeover. More interactive and innovative tools will be used on the blog so that youth opinion reaches out to as many as possible. Users will be able to send in their very own videos and photos and take part in some more hands-on debates and workshops over the coming year. To ensure this success, the blog does need a sigfinicantly high level of participation bringing about a daily, lifely, virtual debate. So, feel free to join in, raise topics or add comments by visiting the blog at the following link.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Youth Call for Entries- the 2nd Children's environmental health project competition
Five years after the launch of the “Children Environmental and Health Action Plan for Europe” (CEHAPE) at the Budapest Ministerial Conference, we are now seeking entries to the second CEHAPE Good Practice Awards.
As the health and environment youth coordinator, I am practically interested in hearing from youth related projects or projects in schools or being led by youth, as these are two of the competition categories. The entry form is only two pages, and will enable your project to feature on our CEHAPE website.
In March 2010, the Fifth Conference of Ministers on Environment and Health - "Protecting Children’s Health in a Changing Environment" - will take place in Parma, Italy. The Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health is the next milestone in the European environment and health process. Focused on protecting children’s health in a changing environment, the Conference will drive Europe’s agenda on emerging environmental health challenges for the years to come.
Keeping children’s health in the spotlight: Awarding good practice
Children’s health continues to be a leading concern; their health is at risk from a changing environment. The second CEHAPE Awards aim to uncover and highlight inspiring and innovative projects that promote children’s environment and health. Entrants must be based in one or more countries of the 53 in the WHO Europe region (map with full list of countries)
The winners of each category will be award 1,000 Euros towards their project, and will be invited to present their project at the Parma Ministerial.
How to enter: Tell us your story
To enter the CEHAPE Good Practice Awards, we want to hear about your projects and campaigns in children’s environment and health.
There are eight individual categories for entry:
• Water and/or Sanitation,
• Accidents and/or Physical Activity,
• Indoor air and/or Outdoor air,
• Chemicals and or Radiation,
• Youth participation,
• Mobility,
• Climate protection,
• Schools
If you are involved in a project to protect children’s environmental health, please send us a completed entry form to Olivia Radu (
Information about the call is available in English, Romanian, Russian, Kirghiz, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Armenian and Georgian. However, the entry form can only be filled out in English and Russian.
You can find out more about the competition and the entries from the 1st Children’s Environmental health project competition on the website.
• The deadline for submission of entries is 7 December 2009.
• The winners across the eight categories will be announced on 22nd January, 2010.
The 2nd CEHAPE Awards have be developed jointly by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), Health & Environmental Alliance (HEAL), ISDE Austria and European Eco Forum, and are sponsored by the governments of Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, and supported by the European Commission.
Please help us by disseminating this announcement through your own networks.
Good luck, we look forward to receiving your entries!
Alina Bezhenar
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Choosing our Future
Produced jointly by HEAL’s Chemicals Health Monitor project and Mouvement pour les Droits et le Respect des Générations Futures (MDRGF) in English and French, the publication and associated website aim to provide readers with what is currently known about the links between health and man-made chemicals and examples of individual action and EU policy opportunities that can help produce changes for the better.
French comic strip designer, David Ratte has created the stories that bring to life contemporary concerns about the man-made chemicals found in our bodies that are implicated in certain cancers, brain development disorders, asthma, allergies, immune deficiences and falling male fertility. The facts behind the dialogue are explained and supported by scientific and governmental references.
Our aim is provide advocates and the wider public with examples of individual action and European Union policy opportunities that can help change our future for the better.
to know more information and download book in English and French click here